Itinerant School for Psychosocial Promoters and Women Community Leaders in Bogotá and Raquira – Colombia

GEOGRAPHIC AREA: Latin America, Colombia

FIELD OF INTERVENTION: Human Rights, Gender empowerment

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The project has been designing by applying the experience and methodology of the “Itinerant School” for psychosocial promoters/community leaders, set up six years ago by CAPS, with the aim of training and developing local teams able to respond to the needs for psychosocial assistance in the communities of reference. Through the implementation of multidisciplinary psychosocial paths and an experience-based methodology, it will be strengthened the role of women as active agents of change and, in particular, highlighted their fundamental contribution to conflict resolution for lasting peace, in compliance with the Resolution 1325 (2000) on “Women, Peace and Security” of the United Nations Security Council and the Objective no. 3 of Italy’s Fourth Plan of Action for the implementation of the same resolution.

OBJECTIVES: • Supporting actions and forms countering human rights violations, encouraging a culture of peace in Colombia; • Contributing to the development of a positive narrative regarding gender equality as a valid tool for conflict prevention and resolution; • Supporting and rehabilitating women victims of human rights violations for their active psycho-socio-cultural reintegration in the local communities of Bogotá and Raquira.


  • Analysis of the socio-economic context and identification of the training and professional needs of the beneficiaries for the elaboration and implementation of the empowerment course for “psychosocial promoters/community leaders” through the “Itinerant School”, aimed at 30 women from rural and suburban areas of the municipalities of Bogotá and Raquira.
  • Implementation of medical/psychotherapeutic consultations and individual/group therapies in the psycho-socio-aptitude field for the 30 beneficiaries involved, aimed at mitigating the traumatic effects generated by acts of violence and human rights violations.
  • Set up of promotional/networking events aimed at involving key stakeholders and raising awareness on issues such as human rights, gender empowerment and Covid-19 counter and mitigation measures.


  • Developed and strengthened the capacities of local social organizations of women, indigenous, peasants through the training of psychosocial promoters fostering the integration and social inclusion of the beneficiaries within local communities through the role of “Psychosocial promoters / Community Leaders” and transferred tools and measures to counteract Covid-19.
  • Improved the condition of women in the territories of reference through the implementation of multidisciplinary psychosocial paths addressed to women victims of human rights violations and to their families through the carrying out of medical, psychological individual, family and group counselling.
  • Increased knowledge of the pivotal role of women in local communities through an awareness-raising campaign focusing on the prevention of human rights violations and gender-based violence in Colombia.

PARTNERSHIP: Lead Applicant: Progetto Sud. Partners: Centro de Atenciòn Psicosocial (CAPS); UIL – Unione Italiana del Lavoro.

DURATION: 2021 (6 months)

DONOR: Directorate General for Political and Security Affairs (DGAP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation