Juegoteca comunitaria Lekotek

GEOGRAPHIC AREA: Latin America, Argentina

FIELD OF INTERVENTION: Social inclusion, Empowerment, Capacity building, Participatory local development, Child protection

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The main objective of the project is to develop a sharing space that promotes social inclusion of children, adults and elderly people from the district of Barracas, Parque Patricios, La Boca, Constitución of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the neighboring districts of the Department of Avellaneda. The “juegoteca comunitaria”, a renovated and expanded version of the Lekotek playroom already operating in Buenos Aires, will allow the development of individual skills using the game-based methodology as an innovative tool for empowerment and will foster exchange and intergenerational dialogue among participants.

OBJECTIVES: • Improving the quality of life of children and families from difficult and disadvantaged socio-economic contexts through spaces for social aggregation and cultural exchange; • Ensuring the right to play and recreation as a prerequisite for creative development of individual high-potential skills; • Facilitating communication and exchange between people belonging to different age groups to enhance socialization and socio-cultural empowerment.


  • Organization of meetings focusing on playful activities encouraging individual and collective involvement of the participants.
  • Introduction of workshops for discussion and reflection aimed at identifying critical issues and related solutions regarding the interaction between children and adults in the play sphere.
  • Setting up of a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the results achieved through the Juegoteca Comunitaria.
  • Training program for teachers on processes and best practices linked to the logic of play that guarantee the sustainability and replicability of the project’s results.


  • Promoted the culture of autonomy and aptitude for play among children and adults through equal and inclusive engagement.
  • Implemented individual and community-based empowerment programs for beneficiaries and stimulated dialogue on relational mechanisms between children and adults.
  • Established a committee composed of family representatives and members of the Lekotek technical team.
  • Trained 30 teachers from the schools involved for the implementation and enhancement of play-based methodologies as a means of social integration.

PARTNERSHIP: Lead Applicant: Asociación Civil Centro Lekotek. Partners: Progetto Sud; Centro Metropolitano de Diseño

DURATION: 2021 (12 months)

DONOR: Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese – www.ottopermillevaldese.org – Project No. OPM/2020/13875