Eritrea AID 11604 – Newsletter n. 3 “Dialogue, training, bargaining: work as an instrument of peace”

It is now available the third Newsletter of the project “Dialogue, training, bargaining: work as an instrument of peace – AID 11604” in Eritrea, funded by Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) – Regional Office in Khartoum, led by Nexus International Solidarity Emilia Romagna (Nexus ER), in collaboration with Progetto Sud (ProSud), Trade Union Institute for Development Cooperation (ISCOS), International Volunteering for Development (VIS) and, at local level, National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW).

In this third #Newsletter we are pleased to provide you with updates on the progress made in the last months, such as the purchase of materials and equipment to be shipped to Eritrea for the setting up of some laboratories of the Massawa Training Centre and the Social Media Centre in Asmara. Furthermore, the study “Working for upskilling in Eritrea: a research on labour market, education and professional training needs in Asmara and Massawa” has been completed, collecting relevant information on the Eritrean labour market, educational system and training needs and focusing on the three target areas of the project (tourism/hospitality, ICT and airconditioning/refrigeration) which will be published soon.

While waiting and hoping to be able to carry out on-site missions as soon as possible, we invite you to download the Newsletter at the link below: