FIELD OF INTERVENTION: Socio-economic Development, Professional Training

GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: Asia, Sri Lanka, Southern Province, Matara and Galle District

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The name of the project refers to the presence of cinnamon in the area which has been selected for the implementation of activities: here, in fact, cinnamon is one of the main livelihood.
The project, created in response to the tsunami of 26 December 2004, is focused on a training plan which could facilitate integration into the labor market for disadvantaged youth in the districts of Galle and Matara supporting a self-entrepreneurship path. In accordance with local authorities and following the highest national standards, training courses will be organized and implemented. Through the organization of training courses, the aim is to integrate young people, particularly the vulnerable ones, in the labor market and in the Country’s economic fabric. The educational offer is supported by public authority’s certification with the relative award of nationally recognized certification.
To ensure the sustainability of the process, the project includes the construction of a multi-purpose training center in the village of Deniyaya. The center will be donated to the Diocese of Galle which will be in charge of organizing and managing training courses in a deprived area.

OBJECTIVES: ● Improve economic and social conditions for disadvantaged families and minors in the districts of Matara and Galle. ● Implement a training development program, job-placement support and self-entrepreneurship for socially disadvantaged youth.Build a multi-purpose training center.


  • Training and support to job-placement for selected candidates.
  • Support to self-entrepreneurship for those students admitted to the training courses (supply of kits for the creation of handicrafts products, administrative assistance).
  • Construction of a multi-purpose training center in Deniyaya, setting up of procedures necessary for its recognition as a certified training center, setting up of a computer room, in order to allow the partner (Diocese of Galle) to organize IT education courses.


  • Certified and nationally recognized training courses targeting 47 students for obtaining the qualification of computer graphic designer, computer administration, TV & radio equipment repairer, implemented.
  • 7 additional training courses (TV, Radio & Equipment Repairer, A/C Refrigerator Repairer, Computer Application Office, Computer Office Package, Computer Graphic Course, Computer Hardware, Web Developer) for 115 students, implemented.
  • Construction and hand-over to the local partner of a training center, completed.

PARTNERSHIP: Lead applicant: Progetto Sud. Partners: Diocese of Galle, Home for People for Home Association (HPH).

TIME PERIOD/DURATION: 01/09/2007 – 31/08/2009 (24 months).

DONOR: Tsunami Committee (Confindustria, CGIL, CISL, UIL)