
Progetto Sud

MESA Examples of transformation
Our case study contributes to the first series of case studies highlighting #SOLIDAR members contribution to promote sustainable development and social justice in Europe and in partner countries, as embedded in the 2030 Agenda. (more…)
Guide to Partnership Profit – Non-Profit
The Sodalitas Foundation presented, on Tuesday January, 17th, at the Auditorium of Assolombarda in Milan, the "Guide to Partnership - Profit and Non-Profit together for the development of international cooperation projects." (more…)
Colombia, is the end of the conflict
Since 1964 have died thousands of Colombians who were part of the rebel army and armed groups fighting in the forest, during what is defined the last largest armed civil conflict in Latin America. (more…)
Facebook for Nonprofits, the fundraising of the social network
The union between charity and social was a “step” everyone was expecting and that many were curious about all over the world, especially for the amount of money that no profit association could gain from it.  Almost all of these associations already have their own page on social networks, but...