SOLiD – Pilot Project for the Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood

COUNTRIES: Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan


The project aims at developing the capacity of trade unions and analogous workers’ associations in Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan, in order to promote a dynamic, inclusive and strengthened institutionalized social dialogue and consultations with civil society.

OBJECTIVES: ● Facilitate social dialogue, at all levels, between trade unions and employers’ associations in the three target countries. ● Promote civic and multi-stakeholder dialogue with civil society organizations and regional and local authorities, in order to build consensus on issues of common interest. ● Promote a Community of Practice by identifying and sharing innovative tools and models of effective social dialogue, with social partners, public authorities, NGOs, local authorities and media, from both sides of the Mediterranean, to better address the challenges of sustainable social and economic development in the region.


  • Research and analytic studies: detailed study on those economic, social, political and institutional aspects having an impact on social dialogue; analysis of social partners’ aptitudes towards contents and practice of social dialogue in the target region.
  • Pilot project, at the local level, to promote social dialogue within local communities and workplaces, with the inclusion of workers’ organizations, employers, local authorities and civil society organizations.
  • Seminars, for each target group (workers, employers and civil society organizations), on contents and practices of social dialogue and on the connected challenges at the institutional level.
  • Training of experts in social dialogue.
  • Regional seminars for sharing experiences and good practices on social dialogue.
  • Thematic discussions on innovative approaches, instruments and challenges of social dialogue.
  • Regional conferences for the promotion of social dialogue.
  • Database on social dialogue and expert advisory group.


  • Improved understanding of the socio-economic context and of mechanisms for developing an efficient and institutionalized social dialogue in target countries.
  • Strengthened cooperation between social partners on instruments and modalities for the improvement and institutionalization of social dialogue, with social actors able to develop their organizations ad activities in the framework of a better interaction.
  • Strengthened role of socio-economic partners in relation to decision-making processes, identification of national strategies, policies, regulatory framework and supported the process of experience sharing on socio-economic issues.
  • Promoted policies to support social dialogue and developed the process of good practices sharing, at the local level but with a further development at the European Union and Southern Mediterranean neighbourhood levels.

DONOR: European Commission – DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

TIME PERIOD/DURATION: 2016 – 2019 (36 months)

PARTNERSHIP: Lead applicant: ITUC. Partners: Progetto Sud, BUSINESSMED, CNT Belgium, CES Morocco, SOLIDAR, ATUC, AIP, ISCOS, ANND.