Improving food security and access to the labour market in Eritrea

GEOGRAPHIC AREA: Horn of Africa, Eritrea 

FIELD OF INTERVENTION: Sustainable agriculture; Food security; Health protection; Socio-economic inclusion; Decent work; Sustainable development; Reducing inequalities 

SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The intervention aims to improve food security and access to the labour market for vulnerable people (women, youth, persons with disabilities) in the areas of Asmara, Massawa and Anseba through technical and vocational training, to provide production/agricultural inputs for young farmers in rural areas, and occupational health and safety protection. 


  • Contributing to the improvement of socio-economic inclusion of the most vulnerable population groups in Eritrea
  • Improving food security, awareness and decent work opportunities for the most vulnerable population groups/CBOs in the rural areas of Anseba, Asmara and Massawa region through technical and vocational training and productive inputs


  • Training activities and provision of productive/agricultural inputs for the empowerment of young small-scale farmers in rural areas of the Anseba Region
  • Distribution of animals (for consumption and sale) to food insecure women householders
  • Awareness-raising and advocacy campaign
  • Implementation of training courses on food processing, catering, hospitality and use of technology for persons with disabilities
  • Implementation of training courses on health and safety in the workplace


  • Improved food security for young people and women in the 3 target areas
  • Improved labour market access for persons with disabilities and occupational health and safety awareness for vulnerable young men and women workers in the Asmara and Massawa areas

PARTNERSHIP: Leader: Nexus Emilia Romagna ETS; Partner: Progetto Sud ETS; ISCOS (Istituto Sindacale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo); Local partner: NCEW (National Confederation of Eritrean Workers) 

DURATION: 2024 – 2025 (12 months) 

DONOR: AICS (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation), Addis Ababa office; Project code AID 12848