Campaign for the Recognition of the State of Palestine

Progetto SUD supports SOLIDAR and other European, Israeli, and Palestinian civil society and trade union organizations’ call to the European Union, individual EU member states, as well as other European countries to recognise the State of Palestine and to advocate for its recognition in the United Nations General Assembly as a full member State.

There is now an even more urgent need to lead a diplomatic initiative that aims to achieve a just and sustainable resolution of this long-running conflict and to promote a lasting peace through three key guiding principles such as multilateralism, upholding human rights and respect for the rule of law.

The International Labour Organisation has highlighted the profound impact and negative consequences of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian workers, especially women and youth. The recognition of the State of Palestine and corporate accountability under international law would help end Israel’s abusive labour practices and its exploitation of Palestinian workers.

To read the Declaration (EN version) and the list of supporters of the campaign for the recognition of the State of Palestine, see the following links.